Wanton Widows, book one.
Widowed baroness Cathryn Sibley craves financial security, scholarly recognition and passionate love equal to that of Fanny Hill. To marry Julian Ahlquist, the forceful earl who promises to fill all her lustful needs, she must break a marriage contract to a distant baron who promises only grief. But when the baron reveals her one major sin and spoils her chances for love, Cathryn must forgive herself before she seeks exoneration from Julian. In the meantime, a light-fingered duke sets his sights on her and she hasn't the power to refuse him.
Julian has his own past to shed—he's been in love with his father's beautiful mistress for twenty years. Cathryn soothes his old wounds and frees him to love again, but he discovers her secret in a distressing manner. A matchmaking novelist shows him the error of his ways and he humbles himself to secure Cathryn's freedom.
A Romantica® historical erotic romance from Ellora's Cave